"Ah no, il punk non mi piace"
Quanti di coloro che "ascoltano tutto" si fermano davanti al punk come se si parlasse di un genere minimale e rumoroso e nient'altro?
E poi, chi sono i Fugazi?
Il leader è Ian Mc Kaye, ex mente fondatrice dei Minor Threat, il gruppo hardcore di Washington più amato da skaters, punks e straight edge, quella branca di punks che rifiutano droghe, alcool e perfino il sesso in omaggio al controllo totale della mente.
Si facevano riconoscere da due X disegnate sul dorso della mano, che originariamente venivano segnate ai minorenni in modo che non venissero loro serviti alcoolici nei locali.
I Fugazi nascono una volta terminata l'esperienza Minor Threat ed esordiscono con quella "The waiting room" che è diventata non solo l'inno dei sopravvissuti alla stagione hardcore ma anche di tutto il panorama indipendente sviluppatosi da quella scena verso la fine degli anni '80.
Il loro disco universalmente riconosciuto come il loro migliore é "Repeater", il secondo se si considerano "Fugazi" e "Margin walker" nella loro incarnazione assemblata nel CD "13 songs", il terzo se i due EP suddetti vengono considerati separatamente.
Non posso farci niente, ma "In on the killtaker" mi piace di più. Anzi, per la precisione lo considero il miglior disco di tutta la scena post-hardcore e se vogliamo andare più nello specifico, uno dei 5 migliori dischi ROCK del decennio in cui è uscito, i '90.
Copertina di un giallo nebuloso sul cui sfondo si intravede un obelisco o qualcosa del genere, si apre, si toglie il CD ed appare una scritta ripetuta su un foglio (giallo a righe) nello stile con cui si fa riscrivere ai bambini cattivi quello che proprio non vogliono capire; la scritta dice "I will not lie", "non dirò bugie".
Ci fidiamo.

Pride no longer has definition
Everybody wears it, it always fits
A state invoked for the lack of position
Strength is the bait that keeps us so busy
If it's perforated, then I tear it to bits
All sense lost in the frenzy
They should never touch the ground
Irony is the refuge of the educated
Always complaining but they never quit
Cool's eternal, but it always dated
They should never touch the ground
It's not worth, it's the investment
That keeps us tied up in all these strings
We draw lines and stand behind them
That's why flags are such ugly things
That they should never touch the ground
Everybody wears it, it always fits
A state invoked for the lack of position
Strength is the bait that keeps us so busy
If it's perforated, then I tear it to bits
All sense lost in the frenzy
They should never touch the ground
Irony is the refuge of the educated
Always complaining but they never quit
Cool's eternal, but it always dated
They should never touch the ground
It's not worth, it's the investment
That keeps us tied up in all these strings
We draw lines and stand behind them
That's why flags are such ugly things
That they should never touch the ground
E dal vivo
Attacco killer.
L'hardcore è dimenticato nella forma, ma lo spirito è ancora, sempre ed ineluttabilmente quello.
Consapevolezza, rabbia e grandissima perizia tecnica fusa in un unico assalto ROCK.
"Facet squared" è un passo oltre, appassiona, scuote ed annichilisce al tempo stesso, sembra un colpo secco ma è solo il viatico per il pezzo a seguire.....
The eyes have it and the eyes always will
The eyes have it and they're watching you still
Public witness charter - look out don't touch
Public witness says he's seeing too much
I like to walk around it
And i'm paid to stand around
Public witness seen it all
Stessa velocità, stesso tempo, stesso approccio e come risultante un altro grandissimo pezzo.
Bellissimo l'intermezzo con tempo raddoppiato ed assolo ultraminimale, al rientro nell'inciso non spaventatevi se state saltando come invasati. Può succedere. All'ultimo colpo di batteria riprendete fiato, il viaggio è appena cominciato.
A fine disservice
Deceptive, too
Check for the sender
Sender was you
Caught me wide open
No simple burn
This is complicated
Calls for return
Fine disservice
Intended, too
Check for the sender
Sender was you
The point has been recorded,
The malice has been revealed
When I stripped away the humor
From the arrow it concealed
Sharpened and soaked in urine,
It was meant to spread disease
But now discovered
Becomes the sweet antithesis
Returning the screw
It comes back to you
La frase dell'inizio è lenta e minacciosa,il pezzo sale molto lentamente fino a quando esplode nella parte centrale aumentando in intensità e non in velocità; la chitarra di Ian penetra come una sega circolare, le parole anche. Ancora applausi.

Smallpox champion u s of a
Give natives some blankets
Warm like the grave
This is the pattern cut from the cloth
This is the pattern designed to take you right out
This is the frontier with winter's so cold
Greed informs action where action makes bold
To take all the cotton that's cut from the stalk
Weave the disease that's gonna take you right out
What is good for the future what was good for the past -
Won't last
Bury your heart u s of a history rears up to spit in your face
You saw what you wanted
You took what you saw
We know how you got it
Your method equals wipe out
The end of the frontier and all that you own
Under the blankets of all that you've done
Memory serves us to serve you
Yet memory serves us to never let you wipe out
You'll get yours
Wipe out
Il brano parla del metodo col quale l'etnia Cherokee è stata allontanata - deportata forse rende meglio l'idea - dalle proprie terre nel 19° secolo infettandoli donando coperte infettate di vaiolo.
Il pezzo parte già alla grande con un attacco diretto - in your face, direbbero da quelle parti - e, in perfetto stile Fugazi, intensifica la sua carica fino al coro finale molto anthemico e coinvolgente.
A questo punto impossibile non sospettare il capolavoro. Ma andiamo avanti.
Why don't you come to my house
Why don't you drag me right out
Past all the shit that i said i'm saying
Why don't you cut up my mouth
And i don't care what you use
Just don't ask me to choose
I forced a field to allow you
That's not so easy to do
I said I said what I said I want you to help me
Surrender rend it it's yours
Out in the open
We're wide open
Night light comes into my room
Some shade of bruise-colored blue
Moves through my mind like a chemical
Imbalance on schedule
My tasting face to the floor
Passive abject i'm sure
I lick my lips when I need it
Don't want to lick them no more
My love song went wrong
Why don't you drag me right out
Past all the shit that i said i'm saying
Why don't you cut up my mouth
And i don't care what you use
Just don't ask me to choose
I forced a field to allow you
That's not so easy to do
I said I said what I said I want you to help me
Surrender rend it it's yours
Out in the open
We're wide open
Night light comes into my room
Some shade of bruise-colored blue
Moves through my mind like a chemical
Imbalance on schedule
My tasting face to the floor
Passive abject i'm sure
I lick my lips when I need it
Don't want to lick them no more
My love song went wrong
E DAL VIVO (senza fondale, eh)
Impossibile non innamorarsi di questo incredibile pezzo.
Una tensione emotiva in crescendo quasi drammatica accoppiata ad una perizia tecnica (come in ogni loro pezzo) impensabile per chi ha sempre liquidato i punks come strimpellatori da due note.
Non si può rimanere indifferenti davanti a tanta forza, a tanta passione, a tanta rabbia. Ascoltate la voce di Guy Picciotto durante tutto il pezzo. Davvero, spesso con i Fugazi le parole sono puro pleonasmo.
a name
I recognise that name
It was at the center of some ticker tape parade
The lead story,
A fine example
A name, a name
A name I recognise that name
It was at the center of some magnifying glass
The lead story, a fine example
A name, a name
He used to pretend he was fighting some war somewhere
Now everything depends on fighting some war
He never thought he'd be an exclamation point
A demonstration of his disease
A punctuation mark
A household name with hiv
Still, it's just still sound
I recognise that name
It was at the center of some ticker tape parade
The lead story,
A fine example
A name, a name
A name I recognise that name
It was at the center of some magnifying glass
The lead story, a fine example
A name, a name
He used to pretend he was fighting some war somewhere
Now everything depends on fighting some war
He never thought he'd be an exclamation point
A demonstration of his disease
A punctuation mark
A household name with hiv
Still, it's just still sound
La canzone più "difficile" dell'album. Lenta, insinuante ma dal riff ben definito, la voce di Ian Mc Kaye declamatoria e arrabbiata, suadente ed aggressiva. Un finale che sfuma in una cavalcata di feedback statico che lascia letteralmente stesi. Ha bisogno di ripetuti ascolti, specie se presa nel contesto di questo album. Ma è ugualmente meravigliosa.
Strumentale tipicamente Fugazi in versione riflessiva, può essere considerato il momento in cui si può "rifiatare" durante l'ascolto del disco, ma che bel rifiatare!.....Giro semplice ed immediato, linea melodica essenziale, partitura spigolosa quel minimo che basta.
Crush my calm you cassavetes
I was sitting tight so quiet quiet
In the dark till the lights came up my heart
Beating like a riot riot
Hollywood are you sitting on a sign
For someone to come on bust a genre
You poor city of shame
Ask me what you're needing
I'll sell you his name
cos he was the one to send it with truth
That's something from someone
And gena rowlands complete control for cassavetes
If it's not for sale you can't buy it buy it
Sad-eyed mogul reaching for your wallet
Like hand to holster why don't you try it try it
Hollywood are you waiting on a sign
For someone to come on bust a genre
You poor city of shame
Ask me what you're needing
I'll front you his name
cos he was the one to send it with truth
that's something from someone and gena rowland
I was sitting tight so quiet quiet
In the dark till the lights came up my heart
Beating like a riot riot
Hollywood are you sitting on a sign
For someone to come on bust a genre
You poor city of shame
Ask me what you're needing
I'll sell you his name
cos he was the one to send it with truth
That's something from someone
And gena rowlands complete control for cassavetes
If it's not for sale you can't buy it buy it
Sad-eyed mogul reaching for your wallet
Like hand to holster why don't you try it try it
Hollywood are you waiting on a sign
For someone to come on bust a genre
You poor city of shame
Ask me what you're needing
I'll front you his name
cos he was the one to send it with truth
that's something from someone and gena rowland
E si riparte.
Tempo alla "Waiting room" (e chi la conosce sa che si parte benissimo), incedere incalzante e frullar di chitarre senza scampo. Breve, brevissima quanto coinvolgente. Un'altra perla lucente.
Got a lot of questions for me
You got a lot of questions for me
Got your finger pointing at me
I look for wires when I'm talking to you
You'd make a great cop
You got a lot of questions for me
Got your finger pointing at me
I look for wires when I'm talking to you
You'd make a great cop
Non so di preciso con chi ce l'avesse Ian ma cazzo con due parole gli ha messo il bollino blu.
"Great cop" fa onore alla fulminante invettiva del testo con un altrettanto veloce ed aggressivo beat che scorre sul tappeto di chitarre. E il sospetto che "In on the killtaker" sia un vero e proprio capolavoro comincia a diventare certezza.
Fragile stem
Asleep at the stoplight again
Red dressed in red drenched in red spreading red ever red
Fragile stem
Veering for control again
Change lanes explain how strain defers the impact of speed
On on past gone gone gone past on
Fragile stem
Made your own road again
Scars crash and glass made
You laugh you'd show it off to your friends
Fragile stem lay down your arms and then
Steer into the headlights like the dead light of the last sun you'll see
Steering into headlights and your gone
Asleep at the stoplight again
Red dressed in red drenched in red spreading red ever red
Fragile stem
Veering for control again
Change lanes explain how strain defers the impact of speed
On on past gone gone gone past on
Fragile stem
Made your own road again
Scars crash and glass made
You laugh you'd show it off to your friends
Fragile stem lay down your arms and then
Steer into the headlights like the dead light of the last sun you'll see
Steering into headlights and your gone
Diciamo che "Walken's syndrome" si inserisce nella branca di repertorio fugaziano fra i pezzi più marcatamente riconoscibili del loro marchio di fabbrica, fra ritmi forsennati, cambi di tempo appena accennati per riprendere poi la corsa verso un finale quasi istantaneo. La loro versione di questo pezzo dal vivo era nitroglicerina pura.
That one is predetermined
That one, it finds another
This one comes in one window
Sliding out the other
We need an instrument to take a measurement
To find out if loss could weigh
We need to know value
We need to place value
In case it all comes true
Could it be loss could weigh?
It's always they that's dying
But now it's we that's dying
So sooner comes the trying to understand that loss could weigh
We've been dragged through the fire
We bragged about that fire
But suddenly we're tired
Could it be that loss could weigh?
Loss could weigh
That one, it finds another
This one comes in one window
Sliding out the other
We need an instrument to take a measurement
To find out if loss could weigh
We need to know value
We need to place value
In case it all comes true
Could it be loss could weigh?
It's always they that's dying
But now it's we that's dying
So sooner comes the trying to understand that loss could weigh
We've been dragged through the fire
We bragged about that fire
But suddenly we're tired
Could it be that loss could weigh?
Loss could weigh
A proposito di marchi di fabbrica.
Emoziona e ferisce, se non fosse che l'intero disco è disseminato di capolavori basterebbe questo pezzo da solo a giustificare l'acquisto e la glorificazione dell'album.
Coughing inside your coffin like at the bottom of the sea
Onside you're breathing too numb for asking so i will leave it outside your door
Warning the threat of morning that just extends you another day
Some lights were shining not much for seeing but you'll be leaving the way you came
Shot shooting
Shot shot
Shot shooting yourself again for what
To taste all the waste
Flare flakes a flower a burnt-out shower no one can see you were needing too shy for asking
So I will leave it outside your door pulse stalls uncut
But clotted when you had thought it would force a flow
Some lights were shining
Not much for seeing but you believe in the way you came
Onside you're breathing too numb for asking so i will leave it outside your door
Warning the threat of morning that just extends you another day
Some lights were shining not much for seeing but you'll be leaving the way you came
Shot shooting
Shot shot
Shot shooting yourself again for what
To taste all the waste
Flare flakes a flower a burnt-out shower no one can see you were needing too shy for asking
So I will leave it outside your door pulse stalls uncut
But clotted when you had thought it would force a flow
Some lights were shining
Not much for seeing but you believe in the way you came
Ultimo giro. Ultimo capolavoro.
Capisco che per qualcuno i Fugazi siano responsabili della nascita della corrente "emo" ma con la scena "emo" attuale il gruppo di Mc Kaye, Picciotto, Canty e Lally non c'entra veramente una beata fava. Altro che piangersi addosso sulla propria sensibilità. I Fugazi sono un gruppo che reclama AZIONE. Sentitevi bene questo pezzo, ad esempio, un invito a correre dovunque voi siate e comunque voi vi sentiate. Una degna conclusione di un disco che, se non fa parte della vostra collezione vi consiglio di comprare subito e senza indugi.
Un calcio nelle palle a tutti i detrattori del punk, un calcio nelle palle alle major discografiche, un calcio nelle palle a chi ci vorrebbe ancora omologati.
Sto scaricando Steady Diet Of Nothing. Ti dirò.
RispondiEliminaE' un pò più "intimista", ma rimane anche quello un bellissimo disco. Per niente facile, non ha quei pezzi immediati che ti fanno istantaneamente rimettere il disco da capo, come in questo caso o in "Repeater" o nel primo.
RispondiEliminaOh sciuscia, non mi diventare straight edge altrimenti sul motore di ricerca per trovarti toccherà digitare "astemio", "astinenza" e "continenza". Non ti riconoscerei più.
Non li ho mai veramente amati ma mi piacevano.
RispondiEliminaI dischi punk della mia vita sono stati il primo dei Clash, poi Los Angeles degli X, Fresh Fruit dei Dead Kennedys, Warehouse degli Husker Du.
In Italia, i Franti (tutto quello che hanno fatto)